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Installing equipment in truck. I have to use seperate boxes due to space. I will use 2 12 600w RMS subs and wire them to a 1 ohm load. Anyway, I was wondering what are the pros and cons of using one ported and one sealed box in the same system to get a fuller range of bass?
I wouldnt try it. although it sounds like it might give you the best of both worlds, there will be alot of phase shift problems.
what that means is that when the ported box is playing at the tuned port freqency, so will the other sub, but they wont be createing the compressions and rarefactions of the waves in sync. so they will cancel eachother out to some degree. See subs only are louder when paired up if they are working together. if they are stroking out of sync, then they actually cancel eachother out. in fact, 2 subs playing the oposite thing at the same time is almost silent. so at some freqencies you'll get lucky and the waves will line up, but at others (especially the tuned port freqency and below) the 2 subs will work against eachtoher and there's not much you can do to keep that from happening.
Thanks for your response--- I appreciate that info. Would amping the subs independantly (2 amps, one for each) work to get that more full range that I am looking for then? I realize that I would be cutting the wattage in 1/2 and could not wire to get 1 ohm. But, what would that do to the overall sound??? positive and negitive.
Answerthat wouldnt help at all either, in fact using 2 amps would again contribute to them being out of phase with eachother.
I could probably help you alot better if I knew more of what you meant when you say that you want to range to be fuller. Ideally you want your subs to play about 100-20 hz and that's it as far as the range of the sub. so maybe I'm not understanding what your goal is.
help me to understand.