Audio Systems: help, voltage measurements, electrical department
Questioni just got the vb101pk.i thank i hooked it up right but iam geting no output from the amp .i look at the trouble shooting page in my owners manual but it didin work got eny hints ?help plezz
AnswerYou must check the 12v line feeding the amp to make sure it is firing up. Do you know how to use a VOM? Do you have a VOM and can take voltage measurements? Best VOM for car use is the little unit sold at Walmart electrical department for $9.83 (they have other models, but this is the one to use). Then check to make sure you have 12v at the input to the amp. There are two 12v lines feeding the amp. One is the main power coming off the battery through a fuse. The other one comes off the head unit and is the “turn ON” line to power it up.
Let me know if you need more,