Audio Systems: 94 chevy k1500 radio connection, chevy k1500, radio connection
Questiona friend of mine has a 94 Salvador k1500. i was helping him change the stereo but i failed to find the main plug for the stereo connections at the rear.. so on his new stereo, it came with a diagram telling witch wire is for what. so i ran a main power line, a ground line, and i used a cigaret lighter plug with a switch on it to act like the ignition. it didn't turn it on. can u help with explain how i can run each wire for the stereo to work. or mabey u can help me locate the mane plug for all the wires.
i have changed stereos before but this one is way different then anything i have seen. each part of the stereo is a separate unit and has only one cable coming out of it. this cable is ran down to where the gas pedal is located and is plugged in to what looks like the main computer for the car. long story short i just don't want to mess anything up.
AnswerHmm. usually that works (runing your own lines and using the cig lighter) Did the radio not do anything? Or did it turn on but with no sound?
Id say to get a meter and test the wires that are there, or the ones you ran to make sure they're good. if you need help with that just ask.
good luck!