Audio Systems: car stereo, blown fuses, memory wire

i have a 96 dodge intrepid. the radio does not turn on, but when you push the time button the time shows. it also injects and ejects CDs. i think as a result none of the buttons on the radio illuminate nor do the dash gages when light switch is on

sorry it took so long, I was on vacation and forgot to check the box that I was away.
Check for blown fuses first.  The clock function and the eject functions may be on the "memory" wire of the cd player which is on a different fuse as the wire that makes it turn on and function. In other words, there may be 2 fuses that do different functions and 1 is blown but the other one is ok.  that's why it seems to be partially functioning.
Just pull each fuse and inspect it closely, put it back in the exact place it came from until you find the one that's blown
Good luck!