Audio Systems: installing new sterio into 94 F 150 ford p.u., factory wiring harness, question pool
QuestionHi Ernesto . I am having a problem installing my son's gift. The new sterio is a durabrand db1210 and comes equipped with a snap on connector with 8 colored wires,a port for an antenna , and speaker wires prewired to the sterio with plug jacks installed on them... the problem is my truck manual has no diagrams for the original radio so i cant figure what goes to where. there are two gang plugs to the ford sterio and a jack openning for the antenna, apart from these observations , this appears to be the original radio . nothing has been spliced, all wires go to a lone location. any help would be welcomed. thanks! mark
AnswerApparently, 'Ernesto' has failed you miserably. He is rather new to allexperts and the one 'test' question which I asked him, never got answered either.
Yours' is a very simple and common question wich i just found in the question pool (the questions that have not been answered) and it has a very simple cure.
Go to walmart or circuit city and purchase what is called a 'factory wiring harness adaptor kit'. They are about 10.00 and are vehicle specific so be sure you get the correct one. If you need some assistance in determining which is for your vehicle, go to circuit city.
You will not have to cut a single factory wire if you use one.
Sorry for the long wait,
Jerry Mael