Audio Systems: JVC car stereo with CD player, jvc cd player, recoton

Hi I have a JVC CD player in my car when i slide in the CD I get get a message that says eject and the CD comes back out any suggestions on what the problem may be. Thanks

It sounds like for one reason or another once the disc is inserted the player can not read it and so eventually spits it out.

 This could be any number of things, and you could try a few tests to pinpoint the problem, but in the end you'll likely have to replace the unit.

  The first thing I'd try is to test it with several different discs (DO NOT use cd's you've burned on your computer).  If it doesn't work on any of them, test the transport motor.
 To test if the motor works, get and old CD and draw and arrow pointing from the hole straight out to the rim.  Insert the disc with the arrow pointing into the player.  if it spits the disc back out with the arrow in the same spot you've go a bad motor and need a new unit.
  If the arrow does come back in a different spot, then it might be the optics.  Get a "CD/DVD optics cleaner" - Recoton is a common brand. It should be the kind that looks like a regular CD but with a thin line of brushes sticking out of the bottom.
  If you follow the instructions and can run it through, and it still doesn't fix the problem, then there is some other critical malfunction and you should consider a replacement.

Sorry to give you a scenario where only 25% of the outcomes are (tentatively) positive.  I do wish you luck!