Questionwhat is the loudest a speaker in a car can go? Is there anything over 800 watts?
AnswerSpeaker loudness isn't acutally measured in "watts" - it's measured in "dB" or deciBel. A quick search on google should provide plenty of background info if you want to know more.
Ufortunately, that leaves me to gues that what you want is to find a way to get your car as loud as possible. Please be aware that even at 800Watts, any loudspeaker will cause permanent hearing loss - you could be deaf within the year. No lie.
The short answer is - it's really hard to make one speaker handle much more than "800 Watts". There are plenty of professional audio loudspeakers out there that I use in concert systems that can do more than that, but they can be really tricky to use in cars.
The easiest thing to do is simply add more speakers to handle the power - you'll move more air wich roughly translates into more dB. But you'll need to be carefull because, depending on how many speakers you use and how you wire them together, you may drive the "resistance" of your speakers too low and blow your amp.
Not to mention that adding more speakers frequently sounds like crap - but I'm guessing that if you're already saying that 800 watts isn't enough for you than you've already decided you'd rather be loud than clean.
If you can give me a better idea of what you want to do and what you already have i might be able to walk through the next steps.
Otherwise, talk to any car audio shop and I bet they would be happy to draw you up a diagram for a 4-ohm series/parralllel speaker system.
Best of luck!