Audio Systems: unwanted noise with the sub, radio frequency interference, rf equipment

Hey. my sub will just go on at random when the cars off, setting the alarm and i have no idea why. It must be picking up some kind of frequences somewere and recieving power. I have not one clue on how to solve this problem, but this getting up in the middle of the night crap to go unhook it is getting annoying. If you have any possible solutions why this thing would just turn on at random, please tell me.
thanks alot

I suspect it is an rfi (radio frequency interference) related problem.  Maybe caused by aircraft overhead, trucks passing by, any motorized vehicle with rf equipment and rf generating ignition systems.  Even other autos with supercharged ignition systems can sometimes do it.

Unless and until you find out the cause you can eliminate the problem by adding a manual switch in the power line to the sub so that is has no power until you throw the switch.

If you need suggestions on how to do that, let me know.  In the worst case, depending on where/how the sub amp is mounted, you can just pull the power leads each night and rehook them, but  a switch mounted under the dashboard is a better idea.
