Audio Systems: Dash lights problem, isuzu rodeo, dash lights
I recently installed a new radio into my 98 Isuzu Rodeo. The problem I am having is that I have no Dash lights when I turn on my head lights. I have check all the fuses and none are blown. I used a wiring harness to complete the install and have check all connections. There was one wire which was not used (orange) dimmer wire. I am able to jump the Illumination connection (orange/white) wire to the 12volt power (red wire) and get the lights to come on, but when the head lights are turned on they go out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answersounds to me that you got that orange wire against ground when you did the stereo job. the reason the lights apear to go out when you turn the head lights on is probably becuase there is a circuit that dims them at night. so during the day they are full brightness and when you turn on your headlights they switch over to a difference circuit that dims them. Most likely you did just blow a fues and havent identified it yet. My advice before tearing into this is first try the most simple, check the dimmer control knob and turn that up to make sure its not just dimmed all the way. If that's not it, remove each fuse, 1 at a time, and VERY carefully inspect them. put some light behind it or something, sometimes the break in the wire is hard to see, they dont always go up in smoke. make sure they all go back in the exact place they came from. if you want to check even better put a meter acros each fuse and make sure the meter beeps (theres a setting that does that)
Once you've double checked it, let me know if its working or still doing the same thing. then we'll try the tough stuff if we have to.
Good luck.