Audio Systems: wiring for stereo, aa battery, speaker pair
Questionwhats the color code for the speakers on a 86 oldsmobile?
i just got a 86 oldsmobile and i wanted to replace the speakers in the dash but on the right side speaker i have a green wire and a light green wire , which one is postive and ground?
Answer-86 olds is an American car and I said no American car specifics, however speaker wires are easy, using an AA battery (nicked from the TV remote) check each pair for a crackle to ID each speaker pair, usually a pair will have a master color and a trace color, in your case I would guess green is poss and light green is neg. if in doubt, pop out the relative speaker and look at the connections, if unmarked + & - then the larger one is the poss. It makes no difference to the way the spaker works unless it's a three way with a built in cross over.