Audio Systems: 1995 Nissan Maxima Car Deck installtion problems, blown fuse, nissan maxima
QuestionHi Mark, the other day I found out how to take apart my dash board so that i can put in my deck that I have, I got the stock deck out fine then i tried connecting my pioneer deck and I'm not sure what wires go to which, because the deck is not turning on.I was wondering if I had my wiring wrong or if i blew a fuse. if blew a fuse where could i find the blown fuse and what wires go to which because i did get a wire harness at walmart to connect to my deck to the wires in my car...thank you for the help
Answerusually those wiring harnesses are pretty good at sticking to the color codes, so make sure both the radio's wires and the harness have yellow, red, and black. these are the 3 wires that are nessesary to get it to turn on. If there isnt a color to color match of those 3 then you'll need to find out what 3 they are. If they did match up, you may have blown a fuse, all the fuses should be in one place. Check the book that came with your car, its usually around the drivers side, either under the steering wheel area or in the area of the dash right where you open the driver's door (behind easily removable pannel or something). But it could be almost anywhere so check the manual, once you find it, it should be clearly marked for the radio.
Let me know.