Audio Systems: 92 Chevy Delco Radio CDM unit acting strange, delco radio, chevy truck
QuestionMy 92 Chevy truck has a 3pc radio. Head unit, CDM, and EQ. The problem is I had to remove the CDM for temporary access to something else. When it was reinstalled I now have no radio. The time shows 1:00 and the radio is stuck on 87.1FM. Nothing will change or reset. I am sure the wires were plugged in correctly. I think... Also since the radio wont work correctly the EQ will not light up. I am looking for an sort of direction you can point me in.
Answerif you're pretty sure you hooked it all up right, first thing I would try would be to reset it all at once by disconnecting the car battery for a while and hooking it back. this may reset it. If it still doesnt work I'll need more info about it to help you. is some or all of this stuff factory or all new? Etc.
Thanks and good luck.