Audio Systems: 1992 Chevy Delco 3pc radio acting strange, chevy truck, radio head
QuestionMy 92 Chevy truck has a 3pc radio. Head unit, CDM, and EQ. The problem is I had to remove the CDM for temporary access to something else. When it was reinstalled I now have no radio. The time shows 1:00 and the radio is stuck on 87.1FM. Nothing will change or reset. I am sure the wires were plugged in correctly. I think... Also since the radio wont work correctly the EQ will not light up. I am looking for an sort of direction you can point me in.
Answerunder the dash there is a rcu tunner amplifier box unplug the power for a couple of minutes also make sure that it is ground to the chasis
the radio needs to see power after a couple of minutes off to work again make sure the other plugs are plug in also the last pin of the plug sometimes it bends inside hart to find use a small flash light to see the pins
good luck