Questionok so as far as specifications on the sub this is all I could find... I hope it is enough info...
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alright, so after reading your last response, I see what you're saying about my setup being incredibly over blown and just out there haha. I think It may be because I have a dance type get together this coming up weekend and right now I'm just running all of my speakers to get as much sound out as I can.
As far as home theater sound goes, My fisher tower speakers that have, the 12" sub 4"mid and 1"tweeter, are normally set for my front speakers because I've found that they reproduce low frequencies much better than the Technics and just sound clearer, for my rear surround channels I run the Technics which have the 12"sub 4"mid and 1/2"tweeter, they don't sound as clear as the Fisher's, more than likely because of the old cabinets they are in. For the time being I've borrowed my cousins B
ok, well that's better. when you add a sub to a system that already has larger woofers you need to make sure the sub is the only speaker playing the lows. Most modern recievers have settings in them, sometimes in the menu you pick that your speakers are large or small, when you add a sub ALL the speakers should be set to small wether they are small or not. this redirects the bass to the speaker most capable of making it, the sub. the fact that the fishers make good bass is great cuz even though you'd be filtering out some of that bass, they will make great midbass which is good for deep vocals and such. so dont think you're wasting their abilitys or something by filtering out the bass from them. it's just how it needs to be to sound right (when you add a real sub).
If you still want help in designing that sub let me know, I really need the make and model though or small/thille parameters from it.
AnswerThis speaker is a woofer, not a subwoofer. there's a difference. the specs listed here aren't enough to build a box for it and it will never perform as a subwoofer.
Stick with what you already have hooked up and dont waste your time on this thing.
If you need any help on anything else please feel free to ask.