Audio Systems: xx3212 goliath, cone area, ebayexpress

Yeah, I do want to get it still. I appreciate all the detailed information you sent me it was extremely helpful. What amp would you suggest then? Another option would be getting 2 ma audio 1200xl's if so what amp should i buy. Thanks for your time
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Hi, are you familiar with the xx3212 goliath sub? I want to know what amp you would suggest for it. I'm looking on ebayexpress and I dont want to spend over 300-350 which would equal about 700-800 retail. I need something that won't blow when I use it and will have enough power. IF there's an amp that can be wired at a 1/2 ohm that would help, but i was lookin at the bxi2000d. What size vented box should i use for the goliath?
Just so you know, this thing is impressive and probably by itself, would blow away most other single 12" subs in output.  but it would be no match for a pair of 15s or something like that.  when it all comes down to it a sub puts out a certain amount of sound based on 2 factors:

How much surface is on the cone,
How far back and forth the cone can stroke.

the fact that this sub has a 1.4" extra wide surround means that theres cone area sacrificed.  the 25mm of Xmax is very ipressive but most decent subs on the market these days have about 16-20mm of stroke so it's not like this thing is double or anything.  also, being a compeition sub doesnt mean that it will play your music extra loud.  it will do well in a competition where its designed to resonate 1 note extreamly loud but for music it may sound horrible. (just so you know)
The fact that it says it can take 3200 watts doesnt really matter.  you'd have MUCH more sound spreading that 3200 watts over 2 15s or 4 12"s  the only reason you'd need 3200 watts on a 12" sub is if you put it in a ported box that was tuned to like 60hz - 80hz.  anything lower than that would cause even this sub to stroke too far with that much power.  and a box tuned to 80hz would sound like pure S#!T for music of ANY kind.
the wiring options are misleading, they have 4x 2 ohm coils so if you are only geting 1 sub, you will have 1/2 ohm, 2 ohms, or 8 ohms. the 1 ohm and 4 ohm loads are only if you get 2 subs.  So the amp you picked out is made to drive 1 ohm loads optimally, and the sub doesnt do 1 ohm loads.  it also doesnt support 1/2 ohms so that out too.  you'd have to go with the 2 ohm option which this amp puts out 1300 watts.  there's a ton of much less expensive amps on the market that fit that category.

knowing all this, you still want to get it?  If so I guess I'll help you get an amp but unless you are considering competing its not a good sub for any other use IMHO.  Do me a favor if you like,  find Jerry Mael on (same place you found me) ask him the same question and see what he says if you'd like a 2nd opinion.

the amp you picked would be ok for the goliath,  you'd wire the coils as 2 ohms NOT 1/2 ohm though if you only had one.

The 2 MA audio's could be wired as a mono 1 ohm load. together they're rated for 1200 RMS so the BXi1206D  would be a good match for them.  since you seem to like those amps.