QuestionMy stereo is made of individual items such as cd player, radio, amp, equalizer and tape. Would you be saying that I will need a new amp to correct the following? the volume is operated by a touch toggle not a dial. I also would like to thank you for your input and advise. Thanks again.
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my right speaker cuts out and will only kick back on when the volume is turned way up. What is the cause of this? Do I need new speakers, wires, or a new amp?
if it has a regular turn type volume control, you might just need to open radio and spray a little contact cleaner/lube such as 'de-ox-id' into control from it's backside. otherwise, there's more wrong with it than that, and quite frankly, a new radio costs less than getting yours fixed.
Answerthank you for clarifying what you have. first, you're going to have to find, and check your connections, since the inside of the door is exposed to the elements more than the passenger compartment, i'd start there. if you have a connector visible when you normally open the door, unplug it and spray it with mentioned cleaner and reassemble. otherwise go ahead and open door panel and check connectors to speaker, making sure they have a firm, tight fit. if amp is in trunk or other semi-exposed area, check connectors there, too. after that, it's a guessing game where the problem may be, radio, eq, or amp. with a scope, you could find signal lines on each part and find where you stop having the 'r' signal, but without, it's more difficult. my first thought is connection (plugs) problem though. happy hunting....