Audio Systems: HDTV Newbie, component video cables, mitsubishi hdtv

Hi Mark,

I recently upgraded my 27" TV to a 55" Mitsubishi HDTV. Right now I'm only getting a resolution of 480i and of course capable of putting out 1080i. When I get ready to upgrade to digital/HDTV service with my cable company, will movies played through my DVD player also stay at a resolution of 1080i OR do I have to purchase a seperate component for the DVD player as well -- (and keep in mind I haven't bought myself a home/audio receiver yet)? And if my cable company provides an HD "set-top box", what component video cables do you recommend for better continuity? I thought the Mitsubishi would already come with a higher resolution of 480i built into the system. I really dig this home audio stuff and just trying to learn all that I can one day at a time...

Thanks for your help; it would be MUCH appreciated,

ok. well first off the numbers stand for how many lines of resolution there are and the i is for interlaced.  there is also a p for progressive.  progressive gives the entire picture at once, interlace shows every other line (evens, then odds, then evens then odds).  Progressive is typically better.  so you may want to look at the manuals to see all the modes that your equpiment supports to get the best combination.  your DVD player most likely will only do 480i or maybe 480p and from what you're saying your tv supports 1080i but not 1080p  most likely though it will support 480p and maybe even 720i and 720p so check your documentation.  The TV may also be able to scale up the incoming image.  so you may be able to keep it in 1080i mode and it may scale the dvd's 480i up to 1080i (not really increasing much detail but at least the tv will be able to stay in the same mode and not switch all the time).  its really all up to how the TV works.  if it supports the progressive mode then use that.  I wouldnt invest in a dvd player that claims it gives higher resolution (720p or so) off of standard DVDs becuase dvds only have 480 lines to begin with so that's just marketing scam stuff.  There are actual HighDef DVD players that play a newwer format DVD that physically does have higher definition but when standard dvds are put into these players they will look 99% the same as the dvd player you already have and the new high def DVDs aren't very prevelent yet.  it's something I'd sit on and let the people that have to have the latest and greatest shell out the big bucks for it now.  then in a year or so it will be standard and you'll get it for cheap, not to mention the selection of the high def dvds will be much bigger than it is now, so you'll get your money's worth 2 fold!
as for cables, that's another scam.  I gaurntee you wont see any picture quality difference between a $15 set of cables and a $100 set of cables.  I've seen RCA audio cables for as much as $800  what a gimmic!
good luck and let me know how it goes.