QuestionI have a Yamaha CR-1000 receiver from 1976 that has just started to have a
short burst of static on the right hand channel when turned on. This happens
even with the volume down, and the level of static is pretty constant regardless
of which speakers are turned on (A or B) and what input is selected. It isn't
loud enough to damage the speakers, it's just an annoyance, but I was wondering
what would cause this, and if it would be worth my while to repair it...
Answeractually, it sounds like you need to get a can of good contact cleaner/lube , such as de-ox-id and give a tiny little spritz of spray and work controls/switches vigorously for a few seconds each. do not spray in tuner vanes, if they're dusty, you can carefully blow it out with any air type dusting spray. the controls have a small opening in the rear of them, and you can normally find a small opening on the switches so you can get cleaner in them. be sure to unplug power from stereo before attempting this. i rate this a very easy home repair......