Audio Systems: 2000 ford explorer 6 cd changer, control pins, laser optics

the changer will load the disc but then it dont do anything.the cd player in the dash works good the cassette works good and the radio works good. it also shows the head phones symbol all the time.


  Sorry to hear about your problem.

I suspect two possibilities:

Bad wiring or bad changer.

Bad Wiring:
Pull out the head unit and check the wiring harness to the changer.  Check the harness on the changer end to. Make sure both are clean, snugly attached to the equipment, and nothing has pulled out.
I would even pull of the harness at either end and check the signal on each pin with a volt-meter or a continuity checker.  You can buy a volt-meter at Radioshack or WalMart for $20.

Bad Unit:
Get a spare CD and put a black stripe on the top (NOT THE MUSIC SIDE) from the hole straight out to an edge with a permanent marker.  Point this at the slot, load it in, let it load, and eject it.
If it comes out with the black stripe in the same spot as before you may have a bad transport motor.
If you can load the disc, but it doesn't read or load, then the laser optics may not work.
If it does load and play, but no sound comes out of the wiring harness pins, or it doesn't accept any signal control from the head unit (verify that it IS getting signal from the head unit using your new Volt-meter) then you have a bad control or Decoding board in the changer.
If any of the above is true then you need to replace the changer.

If you use your volt-meter and discover that the changer is OK, but there is no signal coming back from the head-unit over the control pins, then it is in fact your head unit that needs to be replaced.

Best of luck, I'm hoping that a wiring harness has just wiggled loose and can be put back into place without any expense.