Audio Systems: Cassette player head is not workign properly, ford tauras, professional technician

I have a ford tauras 1996 model with company fitted tape.It looks that the head of the cassette player is not working.
How to replace head
How to repair head

Will appreacte your help

It is very difficult.  Unit must be pulled out of the vehicle, the covers removed and get into the head area. Replacing it requires an alignment tape and instruments.  It is not for the hobbiest; only for a professional technician.

Chances are the head replacement part is no longer supported by the maker.  I have no idea where to buy a head for this model.

The two places, above, sell oem radios that will plug into the vehicle you have.  The prices are probably cheaper than it would cost to have the cassette repaired.

Also, you can buy many aftermarket radios that will fit into your vehicle for $49 and up.  Go to to find compatible units.

Finally, cassette music is sort of dead in the marketplace, cds and mp3/iPods have sort of taken over that business.

Let me know if you want more help.