QuestionI have 2 questions. I swaped out the radios and have power, but the new pioneer only says mute and no sound is coming out. What could be the problem? I cant get it off mute even if I reset it. Could it be the anti-theft Delco system that used to be installed? 2. The wiring diagram in my book doesn't match what I have in my 98 s-10 blazer 4dr. I have front sound but I can't seem to get any back sound and the radio is on default settings. I've tested the system every way I can think of. Can you please help me?
That headunit has a telephone mute function (through one of its' harness wires), so you have probably mis-wired it.
Double check all of the color coding, follow the install manual instructions more carefully and you will likely find the problem in no time. ;)
Jerry Mael
PS Of course that manual does not show you the specific vehicle wiring (it would be 450 pages long if it had that info for all vehicles).
Go to Circuit City and get a $10 wiring harness adaptor fo that 1998 Blazer.
If you have cut the wires (and it sounds like you have), you have a few options:
1) Rewrire the OEM molex connectors back into the harness and use the adaptor.
2) Re-wire the connections properly, using the vehicle chassis for a ground (and a test light to be sure you are using the correct 12v Constant and 12v Switched supplies).
3) Pay to have it professionally installed.