QuestionI am in stalling an aftermarket cd player in my 1994 for explorer. I bout a special intergration plug for the seperate amplifier that my ford has. I connected everything correctly but there is no sound. the cd player turns on and everything, but no sound. please help me.
The above URL is a general layout of Ford wiring. Check it out.
The above is Crutchfields wiring harnass adaptor and instruction for Ford products. Check it out, too.
For your installation I don't know if you got the right wiring harnass and if you connected it properly ... you will have to determine that as below.
ONE: Pull the cd player out and bench test it to verify it works. If you don't know how, take it back to the dealer you bot it from and ask them to bench test it. That will verify the problem is NOT the unit.
TWO: Get a VOM (volt ohm multimeter) from Walmart (electrical department for $9.83) and use it to test the 12v lines to the unit, making sure you know exactly with no doubt which wire goes where. There are two and maybe 3 power wires; one to power the unit, one from the ignition and a third for panel lighting.
THREE: Make sure you know where the speaker wires are coming from; check them out with the ohmmeter so there is no doubt whatsoever which wires go to which speaker and where they are connecting to the cd player (cd player instruction manual should give you diagram of output wires for each channnel.)
Only when you know for certain that it is wired correctly should you reconnect the battery of the vehicle to give it power.
Installing can be confusing and difficult; good luck.