Audio Systems: Acident damaged radio, mercedes sl320, lighting assemblies
QuestionMy 1994 Mercedes SL320 was strongly rear ended causing $8,000 damage. Electronically related, the rear lighting assemblies required replacement and the car needed to be jump started. Post-accident the radio exhibits a blinking digital display, loud amplified pops when it is turned on and off, it sometimes has no audio output and other times only one speaker works. My insurance company will not recognize this as accident related without "proof of cause" such as damaged wires with connection to the radio. I suggested a transient causal such as a power surge, but to no avail. Is there a more factual, not binding opinion to specify and support my claim?
AnswerHi Ron,
Problem with electricity is it can do a great deal of damage in a fraction of a split second (186,000 miles second actuly) unseen and leave one wondering how the heck a unit died or was damaged.
One of the most common causes of audio and alarm equipment failures is "jump starting".
When jump starting one should run the donor car for several minuets to allow some charge to build up in the dead battery, THEN try starting, otherwise your car starts and bangs full alternator power PLUS the donor's power into the car as there is no charge in the car’s battery so no condenser effect to soak up the boost, PHUT! If any thing is still turned on, (you wouldn't know as the car's battery was dead,) it could fry or seriously damage electrical equipment all over the car, seen it many times and I rather think this has happened in your case.
Best of luck, Peter