Audio Systems: Soda Pop, korg keyboard, soda pop
Questionyesterday i was taking my 15's out of my trunk and i had just gotten off of work. i had a 44 oz. coke sitting on another box in my garage (wich had an amp mounted to the back of it) i tried to pick it up and it slipped and spilled all inside the amp. i took the top off and used my air compressor to help dry it off and then i sat it in front of a fan over night. it is dry but there are like sticky spots i guess from the sugar. i figured since it was dry i could power it up and hope for the best but i dont know if i should go at it with a q-tip first to remove the sticky
Answerit already got wet by the soda, so you had better go ahead and literally wash it. best way is to fill a sink with warm, slightly soapy water, let it soak and wiggle it around to loosen the sugars, then thoroughly rinse it with clean water. then shake, and i'd use a blow dryer instead of compressed air, you might dislodge a few parts with compressed air, unless you limit the pressure. i had a guy spill a big gulp soda in a korg keyboard a few years ago, he hasn't had any trouble at all, i completely disassembled it and washed it like i said, just make sure you blow dry it real good, and let it sit a day or so to make sure it's dry before firing it up. good luck.....