Audio Systems: pc power supply ? on your article, farad capacitors, radio wires
Questioni purchased a power suppy off ebay and i have searched the net for using it for car radio. i have a large yellow to the 2 pos radio wires, large black to the neg. i tried using a wire as a jumper for the green to black wires. all that is done but when i power on the power supply the radio on button flashes once(faintly) for a split second and i have no power to the radio after that. in your response to someone else you said to power up the supply then once it is on connect the green to black. does it make a difference if they are already conected before you power up the supply. or is it just not working correctly.?
thank you for your time, great site
Answerwell this is the problem with using a PSU. they are made to sence surges and shut off. the cd player probably has a capacitor inside it that draws a fair amount of current as it charges so as it's charging the PSU thinks theres something wrong and shuts off. There's probably a fan in the PSU that shuts off too riht?
Try this, disconnect the red wire on the cd player so that you have PSU yellow to cd player yellow and PSU black to cd player ground, with the red on the cd player no touching anything. THEN connect the green to the black on the PSU. you should see the fan in the PSU spin up. let it sit for about 10 second and then connect the cd player's red to the yellow. that might help alot in reducing the surge. if not you will need to get a capacitor charged up on the PSU before connecting the CD player to absorb the shock. that's not easy either.
One other trick you can use is to hook everything up and strike the green wire against the black over and over in a quick motion about 5-10 times (like 3 time a sec) this will cause it to keep bursting out juice that should help fill up that capacitor in the cd player. on the last strike of the wires hold them together to keep it on. I have charged up 2 farad capacitors this way using a PSU and run very large ampslifiers (90 amps!) so it can be done.