Questioni have an infiniti i 30 t and i want to replace my factory bose headunit. can i do this while keeping the same high quality sound? what do i need? how can i do it? if so can i get a sub or any thing get more bass? thank you for your time
Answerwell. personally I dont find bose "high quality" sound. high gimmiky is more like it. high cost too. Sorry to be blunt.
Unfortunatly the bose speakers are usually 1 or 2 ohm speakers making it impossible to run them off a standard head unit or even aftermarket amplifier. also the thing that blows out in most bose systems in the amplifier in the car so depending on what actually blew in your infinity, you may replace the head unit and still have the problem of no sound if that amp blew! My recomendation is always to gut the thing and start over. change all the door speakers, run new wires, change the head unit and abandon the bose amplifier.
This might sound crazy but I'd be willing to bet if you asked any one of the other people on this site, or frankly any audio enthusiast they'd agree with me, in fact I'd invite you to do so if you dont believe me.
If this all is much more than you are willing to do there are places that fix the bose units but you may end up spending a few hundred bucks and have it break relativly quickly again. those few hundered could go along way in redoing everything.
Sorry but thats about it.
I'd be happy to help in any way I can, including helping you rip it out and start over. Let me know.