Audio Systems: Car Audio, ohm voice coils, ohm subwoofer

What is the differnce between a dual 2 ohm subwoofer and a dual 4 ohm subwoofer?
What makes a dual 4 ohm subwoofer better?


The answer is rather simple, but it depends on how they are wired.

If you wire the voice coils in series (additive impedance):
One has dual, 2 ohm voice coils (for a 4 ohm load on the amp) the other has dual, 4 ohm voice coils (for an 8 ohm load on the amp).

If you wired them in parallel (reciprocal impedance):
One has dual, 2 ohm voice coils (for a 1 ohm load on the amp) the other has dual, 4 ohm voice coils (for a 2 ohm load on the amp).

As such, the only thing that might make one a better choice  than the other is the amp you plan to drive it with (and of course, that amplifiers' safe impedance range).

Which one is the 'better one' of the two speakers depends entirely on the amplifier used.

It is all about matching the impedance 'load' to the amplifier you are using (or plan to use).

I hope this helps explain this.

Jerry Mael