Questionhi i have a problem my cd player is a jensen CD 310X when im want listen a cd this cd player say:
ER 4 or ER 8.
im thinks this need a cleaned internal but i dont now please help me
AnswerHi Roberto,
Error 4 and Error 8 codes relate to the head unit not being able to pfind the file content of a disc or not being able to pick up the laser optically. This is usually due to any combination of the following:
1) you have a bad/unreadable/scratched disc.
2) the laser or optical pick-up has failed
3) the head-unit's file reading logic has failed.
Realistically, the only one you can solve is 1, possibly 2.
First try this - get a brand new CD - DO NOT USE A CD-R OR something that you've made yoursef - and try that. If you do not get the message then the CD's you're using that do pop up the Er 4 or Er 8 codes are scratched or otherwise unreadable. Problem 1 solved. If not:
Get a CD optics cleaner - it should look like a regular CD with a small brush embedded in it, like this:
-if that doesn't fix it then you likely have to deal with problem #3 or a more complicated issue with the optics, and you'll either have to get the unit services (not likely) or purchased a new unit.
For problem #3, unfortunately, there's not much servicing you can do. I suspect that, if anyone is willing to repair it, it would cost less for you to purchase a new unit.
I'm really sorry to hear about this, I do hope it's easy to fix. I wish you luck!