Audio Systems: a m car radio signal, 2004 hyundai elantra, hyundai elantra

A M reception is very limited and of poor quality in my 2004 Hyundai Elantra. The original factory radio has been replaced with a new Pioneer radio with no improvement.  Can't seem to locate an a m signal booster but see many ads for f m boosters.  Would installation of an f m booster help a m reception?  Any other suggestions?  

Not that I am aware of. They operate on different priciples.

Older Pioneers had an 'AM antenna trim' pot in the unit which could be adjusted for optimal reception. You may be able to get more about this info from the owners manual, but I would not be suprised it they no longer have this feature available for users.

Another resolve may be a Loop antenna:
Loop antennas are both technically complicated and relatively expensive to construct. In liaison with a professional antenna installer, users will find that in most instances a Long Wire or AM booster will resolve reception problems.

AM Booster:
The antenna inside most modern AM radios is a ferrite rod with a coil of wire wound around it. A booster in the form of a balance dipole antenna and ferrite coupler can be used to magnify incoming signals into an AM radio ferrite antenna to improve its reception.

You will need local professional help to do these things.
Consult your local audio shop for more info in these matters.

I hope this helps.

Jerry Mael