Audio Systems: pioneer cd player, pioneer cd player, constant power

i recently bought a pioneer deh2800mp cd player to replace the factory one. all cables that were connected to old cassette player are now connected to the new cd player through the ISO adaptor cable yet there seems to be no power at the cd unit . am i missing something to my connections.

well there's only 3 wires nessesary for power to a cd player (for it to turn on).  usually they are:
black (ground)
yellow (constant power to the battery)
red (power that switches on with the key)

you can use a meter to check each one of these.  If you have a meter and arent sure how to check, let me know and I'll write it up for you.  if you dont have a meter I sugest getting one.  You can get them for about $20 at walmart/homedepot or any auto shop.

good luck and let me know!