Audio Systems: 2001 Honda Accord Radio Code, stock radio, radio code

I just recently replaced my battery and now the stock radio is asking me for a code but I have no clue what it is. I cant listen to music and its very frustrating. This is for a 2001 Honda Accord

Hi Juan,

 If you read my profile you'll note that I am an expert in acoustics, not automobiles.

 That said, I do know that you can take your car to any dealer, show them your registration, and they can give you the code or enter it for you (some car manufacturers used to print it on your manual).

 I seem to remember being instructed that we could not post actual codes online, but if you ask an expert here whose profile matches up a little better with your needs (and you check the "keep private" box) they may be willing to offer a bit more assistance.

  I wish you luck.