Audio Systems: home theatre, svhs vcr, rf output
Questionmy tv has no audio out socket and my new home theatre speakers only work when i watch a dvd or play a cd i have no other items to run it through (sky or cable) and am really stuck is there anything i can do to get them to work on my normal tv channels thanks...
Answeronly thing i can think of is to insert a stereo vcr in line, using vcr's tuner for channels with tv on ch. 3 or 4, and using vcr's stereo outputs to drive your stereo system. normally, vcr's have better quality tuners to give best video for recording, if your tv has a svhs input, get a svhs vcr and use the svhs jack for even better quality picture. you should be able to hook up your antenna to vcr's antenna inputs, you can then run rf output of vcr to tv so you can watch tv without vcr. (although i don't think you'd want to...hope this helps...