Audio Systems: Land Rover Factory DVD Player - Sound Issues, land rover discovery, land rover factory

Hi Ernesto,

I recently purchased an '04 Land Rover Discovery SE7 with the factory, 'soccer mom,' rear DVD player (in the ceiling).  It accepts DVDs but will not play the audo.  The manual says to select it as an audio source on the radio, but it does not appear.  I used the wireless remote and the wired remote (headphone outlets) to ensure the DVD is not on quiet/headphone mode.

What do you suggest I do next, in lieu of a $120 trip to the dealer...?

Also, they told me the car had the HK system, which it does not.  How expensive would a total refit be for a new head unit w/screen, new (hi end) 3 ways up front, 2ways in the back, 5channel amp and a single enclosed 10" sub?

Also, any ideas on where the heck to put a subwoofer in a car w/rear jumpseats?

Many thanks,

i seen some land rovers that you move the forward and rew buttons ery quick and it changes from cd changer to dvd input
the interface to send the audio is made by
maybe they can help you how to change the audio from the cd changer to the dvd  by using the factory radio buttons