Audio Systems: Building A Strong Box, hand saws, degree angles

I have a 2000 watt RMS 12" sub woffer hooked to a 2200 watt amp and I need to build my own box because all the boxes I have worked with thus far have either cracked or the screws came out, and I need to know any tips you can give me on building my own box for the first time and any tips on making it strong so it wont just fall all to peices.

I'd be happy to help,  this sound like fun.  So first off, what's the make and model of this stuff so I can take a look at it online if you dont mind.  Next question, do you want sealed or ported and do you already know the correct dimensions, cubic footage, port tuning, etc for the sub?
the main thing you need to build a great box is a table saw.  Hand saws wont get exact and straight enought to get a good seal.  also can we build our box with all 90 degree angles, no slopes,  this is by far the eisiest box to design and build.
Let me know the answers to all these questions and we'll get started.