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Question -
what's up? well i have a 2005 chrysley 300/ a 6 disc changer. i just recently installed two 12" speakers and now my cd player wont play. it doesn't even mark that it has cd's and i have it full. it wont let me eject cd's or nor it lets me load cd's. i push mode and it does nothing. what could have gone wrong?
Answer -
12" speakers? I'm assuming these are subs - Did you also add an amp or active cross-over?
they are two 12" rockford fosgate subs(P3)with a 600 watt crossfire amp.
AnswerWell, shoot...
Here are two most likely problems (assuming you just added the subs and amp and didn't really jostle anything else around):
1) You've maxed out the DC supply on your car, and either voltage or current (power, really) has dropped enough that the CD changer is no longer able to operate.
2) You forgot to unplug the CD changer and a power surge "fried" some internal componenty.
A third more remote possiblity is that you DID unplug the CD Changer from the battery supply and when power was restored you tripped the anti-theft mode - to fix this just go back to the dealer with the vehicle registration.
Problem 1 can be confirmed in a few ways. First try disconnecting the amps from the power supply (battery/circuit), power the car up, and see if it works.
Alternatively, buy a $10 volt-meter from WalMart and check the voltage on the power line going to the amps and player.
YOu may also want to check that the in-line fuse is OK on the power cable to the changer (yellow wire, usually).
Recheck all your power cabling +'s and -'s, ground straps, no ground loops, etc.
Problem 2 is harder to figure out. If it were me I'd bench-test the changer - take it out of the car, use a high-current 12 DC supply (like the one in a computer, or a spare car battery in a safe container) and see if the unit operates properly. If not, try to uninstall the subs, hide ALL your work, and get a new one under warranty.
How/where do you have the power to your sub amps connected to the car? How/where do you have the sub's audio connected to the changer? AM I correct to assume you are referring to the stock "Head Unit" in the dash that can be fed 6 CD's?
I'm really sorry to hear about this, you SHOULD have a great and durable set up. I wish you luck.