Audio Systems: 2001 ford expedtion, volt ohm meter, 12volts

i cant get amp and sub to work . the factory one that is in the rear of suv.i check fuses and wires,,, it seem to not have power to the you have any ideas for me?

ONE: Take it into a good install/repair shop and let them fix it for you.  It will cost.

TWO:  Buy a VOM (volt ohm meter) and chase down the 12v lines and make sure they are working.  May find an open connection of a bad fuse (even though it looks good).

THREE:  As last resort, pull the units out and bench test them outside the vehicle; make sure the units are working.  If so, then go back into the car and find out why the you are not getting the 12volts to the amp.  One wire is always ON, the other is from the ignition or the head unit that turns the unit on under command.

This site may have some help for you.  Look down through the pages for the wiring diagram and make sure you are connected properly OR get a VOM and start tracing down the wires.

Good Luck,