Audio Systems: Tv field voltage, rectifier diode, volt supply


Thanks for your reply...I have replaced all the caps and transformers incl, the flyback transformer but the frame voltage still fluctuates...Any idea what else it could be? Your further assistance will be appreciated.

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Question -
Hi i have a weige tv2100 with a jittery pic (jumps) the field voltage fluctuates between 15v and 20v (not steady) i cant get the required 25volt field supply. Please assist if possible

Answer -
it's probably the capacitor that regulates the 25v source off the flyback transformer. should'nt be hard to trace back, probably a 100-470uf at 35volts.

since you've done that, you might try the rectifier diode for the 25 volt supply, also, there's a couple 1uf 50 volt caps possibly 2.2uf 50 volt in the line from the video 'jungle' chip providing the vertical drive that could have become 'leaky'. (this was particularily a problem with toshiba made products)