QuestionHi Mark,
I bet you thought you had heard the last from me?.......well I
don't get much time to do stuff when a little 11 week old girl
needs her nappy changed..........and the rest!!
Well, tried to find anything else which is affected by the
connection from the ignition but can't find anything. Its so weird
if all you have to do is to push the key further in for the stereo
to work! What would you suggest, stick a great big screwdriver
in it!?
Followup To
Question -
Hi mark,
Just to ask you one more piece of advice. I think I've found the
problem!! It wasn't the wiring or the player, I think it might have
something to do with the ignition. When the key is in the
ignition before (as you know) not much was happening but if I
put pressure on the key, pushing it inwards hey presto all is
well!! (as long as I keep the pressure on the key) as soon as I let
go the key comes out just about a mm or so and the power goes
off. I suppose I have to take it somewhere to get fixed because I
don't know how fix this one, any ideas before I do. I'd hate to
take it to a mechanic and realise it was a simple job in the first
place. So if you have any idea I would be most grateful. You've
been a great help and I'm so glad to actually ask someone's
advice who knows there stuff.
Cheers and thanks again Mark
Answer -
you know, I had one other person that had this same issue. its
seems strange that they would have a separate contact just for
the radio so what I would do if I were you is wiggle it around so
it turns on and off and test EVERYTHING in the car to see if it's
on that same bad contact (turns on and off like the radio) if
there is other stuff on that contact you may consider getting it
fixed by a dealer or chaning it yourself. dealer will be very
expensive! if the radio is the only thing on that bad switch you
can just by pass it and use one of the other contacts. I'll tell you
how when you write back after you test wether the radio is the
only thing on that bad contact.
Good luck!
Answeraww good luck with your girl! I have a 4 year old boy.
well if nothing else is connected to that failing contact then you are in luck. we should just be able to tap another contact to run the stereo. You should get a meter for this. if you dont have one you can get one at walmart or any auto shop or radioshack or homedepot. I got mine for $18 bucks and it's all I need so dont spend a bunch.
Easiest way is to tap the cig lighter, see if your lighter only works when the key is in the on and run positition. if so tap the pos, from that and run it to the cd player (see below how) if the cig lighter doesnt work or works when the key is out, then that's no good. try this:
Set the meter to read DC volts and put the black lead of the meter on solid metal (helps to have a friend hold it) NOT on paint it must be bare metal. now probe around on leads in the fuse box as you turn the key on and off (dont start the car just turn it to the run posistion and back) eventually you should find one that gives 12-14 volts with the key on and 0ish with the key off. tap that ( shove a wire in or get a fuse tapping kit at walmart) and run that line to the cd player after cutting the wire that goes to the failing switch. (use the meter to find that one as well with the similar technique testing the wires that go to the cd player, you should find the one that you have to hold the key just right to be plus 12-14 volts.)
If you need more detail than that dont hesitate to ask.