QuestionI have an '07 audi A4 2.0 with their basic "symphony" sound
system--which is pretty basic.
Interested in improving the overall quality of the sound -- is
their a relatively simple upgrade that will provide the "next level"
of sound quality for radio and cd's.....for example replace a
couple of speakers?......if so, are there any brands/specs that
you would recommend? the dealer says don't mess with the
audio system, it will void the warranty!
AnswerThis car is too new to be listed by and others, but is likely to be the same as the 2006 so far as upgrade listings.
The above is the listing for the 2006 model year. It will give you an idea of the head units and speakers available and the wiring harness that you would need. If you purchase from crutchfield they give you the wiring harness and installation instructions.
But, with this new car, which is a beauty, you really should go to a installer who can do the job and get it right; someone who works with Audi cars as they are unique in the market place for installations.
You should go to a bestbuy or circuitcity or other electronic store and take an inventory of some of the possibilities. For example, people who have iPods are anxious to get a unit that docks their iPod player into the car system, etc.
Good luck with your search.