Questionmy changer is reading cd error and will not eject or play. please tell me what to do.
AnswerI would replace it.
You can check with a local install/repair place and see what they think. But, expect the repair to be expensive.
Don't go to a ford dealer; they will just recommend you replace it at a very high price.
If this is a trnk or back seat mounted changer you can try
and other similar sites that sell oem replacement products.
If it is an all-in-the-dash system you may have to replace the entire head end. OR, with an outboard changer that connects to the in-dash unit. Try:
for add-ons.
OR: You can go to and they will give you a list of products that will fit your vehicle; if you decide to purchase from them it will come with the wiring harness and wiring instructions for your car.
Final comment, maybe, if your are mp3 or iPod savvy, you should purchase one that has inputs or mounting for the ipod; then you can have more music than the changer will ever hold. When leaving the car, you take it with you.
PS: Oh, and by the way, the failing of the unit is most likley a weak or dying laser diode in the optical pickup mechanism. IT is a very common. Or, it could be a badly aligned optical pickup. Or, it could be a defective digital decoder. All of which are very expensive to repair: As much or more than the price of a new head unit, sorry to say.