QuestionI have a 2004 Nissan Maxima and the Bose radio system stopped working after the car was parked in the garage and not driven for a couple of weeks. Prior to that )all seemed fine. The first couple of days after the car was driven again it took several minutes to get the sound. Now it's not playing at all. The dysplay works OK but no sound from any of the components (stereo, CD, statelite radio... And with my luck my car warranty run out a couple of weeks before the problem started. I am so upset because my Nissan service people were not very helplpful and I hope you might have some advice.
Thanks, Jennifer
PS The info I got of the amplifier in the trunk reads: 320 watt Bose, amplifier set.xx 280607Y300.
AnswerYes, I suspect the amp in the trunk to be the problem. You should first reset it:
Reset is done by disconnecting all power. You can do this if you can find the power wires connected to it. There should be two of them. Just disconnect them from the amp for 1/2 hour or longer, then power it up again.
Secondly, check for a bad fuse on the amp or in the wiring or at the car fuse boxes. The Nissan Maxima has a fuse box under the hood and another smaller one inside under the dash between the steering column and the drivers door.
Thirdly, contact Bose and see if they have any recalls or service bulletins on this model amp. They will be more helpful than Nissan, probably.
Lastly, you can test the Bose amp easily.
ONE: Turn it off.
TWO: Remove the audio connections coming from the head end unit.
THREE: Using a portable player (cd, cassette, mp3, etc.) plug the output into the Bose amp and with the volume set at minimum, turn on the amp and see if you are getting sound from any of the speakers.
Maybe this will lead you to the problem. Then let me know if you need more help.