Audio Systems: Volume and Subs, ohm models, jvc 700

Well i just hooked up a JVC 700 watt amp to my 2 12' MTx thunder 8000.  It sounds like crap so I bridged the amp... It hits hard now but I try and turn it up a little past half and the subs quit.  What have I done?

Be sure that the impedance load (both speakers combined) is acceptable by the amplifier.
For instance:
If you have two 4 Ohm subs wired in series, it would be an 8 ohm load on the amp.
It they are 4 ohm and you wire them in parallel, it will be a 2 ohm load (probably too low for a JVC amp).
A good resolve is to use twin 8 ohm models in parallel for a 4 ohm mono (bridged) load on the amp.
Most amplifiers can run a 4-16 ohm load. Check the manual for the amp or check JVC's site for more specifics on your particular model.

*If your amp has an impedance underload, you will indeed kill the amp and possibly the speakers (or worse).

Another thing to understand is that 95 out of 100 people will set the level controls on the amp far too high since they do not understand Unity gain (if they understand gain at all).
Check the load on the amp and adjust levels to give you (near) RMS power at 100% volume on the deck. Setting the levels ANY higher will only result in premature system damage and it will NOT give you single additional watt of power over optimal settings.
Lower than optimal amp levels are always better than higher ones (since you may have bass or loudness added, ect).
Trust me..

Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Jerry Mael