Audio Systems: Ford 2003 Radio going of and on by it self, bump in the road, radio unit

A week ago I bought the ford focus 2003, I pushed one of the set buttons and all of a sudden it stopped playing and then would come on and off and no buttons or the on and off stitch would work.  Even with the key out of the car, the radio would go on and off about every two or so seconds. Drove it back to dealer, they looked at it and said it was the radio, it was under warrenty they ordered a new one and put it in.  I have had it for 5 days and last night the new radio is doing the same darn thing!  What would be causing this to happen, it's a brand new radio.  I have read some other complaints about this happening, but have seen no real answers of what is really happening.  The radio is a CD/MP3 Sound system RDS by Blaupunkt.  

Followup To

Question -
I bought a used 2003 Ford Focus a week ago.  On the way home the radio display was stuck and the itotal cost was outragged

Answer -
Does the sound go off and on and the radio unit stay on; OR does the radio unit itself actually switch off and back on?

In the latter case it is likely a loose wire that is cutting in and out when you turn or hit a bump in the road or something like that.

But, I am not sure I understand the problem exactly. If you could explain to me more precisely exactly what happens that will help me understand what is going on and I can give you a better answer.


I recommend you take it to a Blaupunkt service station and have them look at it.  Make sure they understand it was installed by an authorized ford dealer, etc.  They often, in cases like this, try to push it off to the wiring of the car.

But, I think it is either the security, anti-theft system gone bad or improperly set up by the installer.

Maybe, before taking it in, you should consult the manual on setting of the security system and see if the proper codes were programmed into the unit.

This model may have the anti-theft mechanism that automatically goes into a non-useful mode when tampered with; if the security codes were not properly entered it could have done so.  Also, even if they were properly entered and the battery voltage is somehow disconnected from the radio it makes the radio think it has been stolen.  However, in these cases most radios start to flash, also, an anti-theft message on the display.

Hope this helps.