QuestionI already tried that one and it doesnt work and now some wires touched and my HU wont come on..Think I fried it?
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Question -
Im currently replacing the Bose HU in my Maxima and I wanted to know the color codes for the hu so i can match them? I can currently get the radio to turn on BUT I need a ground, all speaker + and - also the factory turn lead...
Answer -
The web above may help you in identifying the wires necessary to be hooked up.
HOWEVER: This is for non-bose hookups, but I think the external wiring is the same for all Maximas.
You should, after identifying all the wires, check them by physical verification with an ohmmeter. You an buy a simple but totally effective ohmmeter at Walmart for $9.83. Then, you know for sure which wires go where.
PS: You cannot trust going by color only; they don't always go the same as the colors say.
AnswerDo I get the feeling I am coming in here halfway through?
Yes it does sound like a 'fry up', I prefer mine Sunday mornings with bacon and eggs with all the extras but there ya go,
Take the HU out of the car with it's harness, that way you eliminate any possible screw ups in the car's circuits, and bench run the HU from a power supply (that old CB radio one you have gathering dust is a good one) or a 12v battery with only the earth to negative (obviously) and the power (yellow) and ignition (red) leads (joined together) attached to positive, if it all lights up and responds to the front panel you possibly have a good radio but you might have a car wiring problem, if on the other hand it is still dead, then a replacement is on the cards unless you know a good repair shop.
Speaker wires. These are normally twisted together in pairs if you are lucky and are the same colour for each pair but one with a colour trace on, i.e. blue and blue/white, green and green/white. (but not always) Touch a pair across the battery and you will hear a noise on the corresponding speaker, label it (e.g. left rear), continue until all four are identified and labelled.
Earth one side of your meter or tester to a metal part of the car, probe each wire until you have a wire that is live all the time with the ignition OFF, label this ‘+30’.
Switch on ignition and redo test until you find another previously dead wire now live, this is ‘+15’.
Switch off ignition and switch on the side / park lights, repeat test until you find a third live, label this ‘lights’. Switch off the lights
You should now have two or three left. One will be earth, (usually black or brown); one could be to an amp and or electric ariel (usually blue or blue white) and one for phone mute if fitted. Clip tester to +30 and probe one of the remaining wires, if you have an electric ariel it will go up. Connect your DIN plug to the correct wires and jobs a good un’.
DIN connections are.
Right rear -, right front -, left front -, left rear-,
Right rear +, Right front +, left front +, left rear +
Power block viewed from cable side
Phone mute (white),/ n/c, / ariel & amp (blue), /ignition (red)
N/c, / 12vlive, (yellow or orange), / lights, (various colours),/ negative (black)
Hope that helps, Peter