Audio Systems: Car Stereo, no sound, pioneer car stereo, pioneer deh

I have a Pioneer Car Stereo CD Player DEH-230. I left my windows down a bit during a heavy rain storm accidentally. The day of the storm everything worked fine. Next day stereo worked on the way into work. 2nd day come out for lunch very hot outside and stereo display and cd works fine, switched to tuner all working but I have no sound. Almost as if internally the stereo was damp and as it dried something for output burnt. To me it doesn't seem possible to have been working during the dampest conditions and than quit after getting dry. Would re-setting the unit have anything to do with regular sound being output through the wiring harness? Or is a re-set required only when you have no display or could it fix my problem with display and cd eject working?

Thank you,

[email protected]  

Pioneer DEH 230, high end, single CD radio.
Hmm, strange one, I think the problem lies in the facia panel buttons getting wet as there is little direct connection with the innards of the set unless the rain got into the CD slot, doubtful.
Check connections on back of facia panel and front of set. You can disassemble the facia with care and watchmakers screwdrivers but be slow and careful. Make notes where things go. use a small (fridge) magnet to hold small screws.

There is this site which has a downloadable manual and installation guide if any help.

Pressing the reset button should only reset the parameters and station memory so try it first then clean and dry everything before whipping off the sets cover and looking for any rain damage. Clean only with electrical circuit cleaner from Radio Shack etc and blow dry.

If you find the problem there are several DEH 230 radios without face plates and some faceplates only going for about $40 going on