Audio Systems: auto shutoff problem, position thanks, little bell

Hello.  Well, I've got a 3-pin rocker switch and took out the radio. I tried to find those 2 positive wires but my radio has 5!  One is marked 12v+ others:   rf+, lf+, lr+ and rr+  Also:GND, ANT., Lamp and rf-, lf-, lr- and rr-   
 The 12v+ seems correct but what other of these wires is the correct one?  Thanks for your help!

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Okay, well I've done what you suggested and it appears that the only thing that will turn the buzzer on is the headlights... the dome light will not.  2 things to note here... 1) When a door is opened the radio shuts off. Is that good, bad or neither?  2) The headlight buzzer is very faint. It can only be heard when purposely listening for it. So if this buzzer is going to be used for the job  then I'll have to  replace it.  I'll do this today.   Kevin

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OK, I tried your suggestion but the switch just will not budge past the "lock" position.  What to do next?  Thanks!

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Hi, can you tell me how to (SAFELY) wire my car's radio so that it won't shut off after 5 min. with ignition off?  This comes into play when at the drive-in where I have to turn it(ignition)on and then off again in order to keep the radio going.  my ignition switch has no "Accy" position.   
         Thanks very much,  Kevin

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Well you've probably already tried this but alot of cars have a feature where you can turn the key backwards and this powers up the radio.
Try that first and let me know if it works or not.  the problem with putting a "switch" somwhere that just powers up the radio is that eventually you're goign to forget it and come back to a dead battery.  there are ways of patching this into the system that rings the little bell when you forget to turn your lights off (bell rings when you open your door only) but this is complicated.  I can help you with that but try the backwards position key thing first.  You may need to push in and turn back so try that too.
Let me know please!

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Good hearing from you!  you wouldnt believe how many sugestions I give where I need more info or they have to get back to me to finish the project and they never do.  Its a little frustrating!
Ok well I was afraid that the reverse key thing wouldnt work!  Darn  well this isnt easy!
First thing I would try is to find something that when it's on with they key out it works but when you open the door the bell rings.  most of the time this is just headlights which doesnt help us much but if your dome light or any interior lights do this we can work with that.  If not make sure you even have a bell that rings by turning on the headlights and opening a door with the key out.  hopefully you can listen for where the bell is and maybe you can hear a relay click when you open the door that doesnt click when the lights are off.  if we can find that relay we can tap that for the bell function.   If not we can always make our own system with a relay and a buzzer if you really want to get down and dirty in there.  its actually not that tough.  about 10-15 bucks at radioshack and about 1-2 hours of looking for wires and hooking up the relays and stuff, that's all.
If you dont want to do the buzzer and just want a switch that's definatly easy BUT like I said, one day you will forget and you'll come back to a dead battery.  if you know anything about car batteries you'll know that once they are drained they never work right again. and at $70 or more for a decent car batter the extra work with the relay and buzzer is well worth it.
Let me know, test the lights and see if you can get the buzzer to ring, we're looking for the smallest least significant light or feature (dome light is best).  And let me know if you think you're ready to do-it-yourself if the buzzer doesnt work or whatever.
Hope to hear from you soon!

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Ok well if you want to change the buzzer just so the headlight warning is more audible that's fine but we could just use a different buzzer if you want.  doing the relay should be quite easy.
This is what you are goign to do.  first step is goign to be to put a switch somewhere.  you can go to radioshack and get a small lever switch. the micro's will be fine, there isnt much of a load on it.  7-10 amps absolute max.  drill a hole whereve you want it and put the switch in.  next you are going to solder 2 wires to the switch and run them to the area behind the cd player (where all the wires are for the cd player).  you will need to take your cd player out and find the 2 posative wires (usualy they are red and yellow) splice the switch between these 2 so that when the switch is on they connect together.  This is all you need to make a switch that turns your cd player on and off when your key is out
Once you get that done and working let me know and we'll work on the relay/buzzer part.  If you need help identifing which are the 2 posatives let me know.
Good luck!

Oh, well all those letters are the speaker designations
rf+, lf+, lr+ and rr+
is  right front, left front, left rear, right rear
and these are the posatives.
the others are the speaker negatives

There should be a yellow and red wire.

If not just use process of eliminiation.  you should have the 8 speaker wires you've identified.  there should be 3 left.  the black one is ground,  that should leave 2 and these should be your power wires.
Let me know.