Audio Systems: KAC 929 kenwood car amp, mosfet transistors, car amps

I was wondering if you know anything about car amps. My main experience is tv repair and know very little of car amps. I have a KAC 929 car amp that tries to come on. I opened it up and found a blown foil on the ground to the speaker terminals. I repaired that and it still does the same thing.I noticed that when it has power supplied one of the mosfet transistors seems to be making a clicking noise as if it is turning on and off. I am sure it is going into protect mode but don't know where to start. Can you help? Thanks

if you read my profile, i don't know much about autosound either. if the foil was to both sides of outputs, whew! first thing you have to do is shotgun (replace) ALL the output mosfets and try to run it on a 'load lamp' to see if it will fire up. if not, you have more extensive damage that i just cant help with without a good schematic. search the numbers on the mosfets to get best deal, try (i think thats their webpage, if not, search for mouser electronics). hope i helped a little, anyway....