Audio Systems: AMP, fuseholder, american bass
QuestionMy amp is cutting off randomly. I will go down the road music pumping and it will just cut off for 15 to 30 sec.. (The power light will come off.) I have gotten so much advice and every person said a different thing. I have two 15 inch american bass subwoofers with a 500 watt memphis amp. A sound store said the bolt where the ground goes to was not tight enough and said it mest my amp so i have to return it and get another. Im not sure if i believe them because i have heard of this problem before and the guy got a new amp and it still was cutting out. Could it be my cdplayer and remote wire connection? Im clueless! thanks
Answeryou have to verify whether or not it's the amp, or is is it intermittantly losing supply voltage. try cobbing in (at the amp's power connectors) a 12 volt lamp with sufficient legnth wire so you can set lamp where you can see it and notice if lamp goes out when amp does. i had basically same symptoms in system in my explorer, after hours of going everywhere tring to find it, it ended up being the expensive fuseholder at the battery was heating up under high current draw and becoming intermittant. i replaced it, and its been two years now with no problem.....knock on wood.