Questionit is a sony 10 disc changer. not made for any specific car. thanks
Casey Sandoval
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i need to get a diagram for a 2000 ford escort. i need this to wire a disc changer that mount in the trunk. do you know where i can get this diagram? thanks
Answer -
are you adding a factory changer that's made for the escort
or is it an after market changer made for the escort (alpine, sony, kenwood, etc)
Or is it aftermarket changer for an after market stereo?
AnswerA wiring diagram for the car wont help all that much since the wires for the car are not there for this application, you should just run your own. typically the way this works is the unit has a "box" that is wired to the cd changer and typically has 5 connections on it.
1 is where you car's antenna goes. just unplug the antenna from the back of the radio and plug it in here.(you'll probably have to remove the radio)
2 is where the antenna comes from the box and goes back into your radio and this wire should beincluded but may need an adapter for your car.
the only remainig connections are
3. Constant power (usually a yellow wire) run a wire from your battery's posative to this and put a 10 amp fuse 12 inches from the battery on it. They sell this stuff at walmart.
4. Switched power. (usually red). find anything that only works when the key is in the "on" and "run" positions and splice the postative from that, connect the other end to this red wire. Usually the cig lighter is perfect for this
5. last but not least a ground wire (usually black) just find a screw hole in metal and screw a ring terminal into it and attach the black wire. If the metal is painted its highly recomended to sand off the paint so the connection is against good metal.
Good luck!