Audio Systems: Vandalized Sony 10 cd change, lazer eye, circuitcity
QuestionHey Kelly I have a good question for you. I have a Sony 10 cd changer that was vandalized and then stolen from my car a few weeks ago. I did however get it back, yay! However, there seems to be serious damage to the unit. The wire to the little face plate that connects to the box was severed. Is there any way to order a new face plate or anything to restore this stereo? I'm seeking restitution against the guy and I need to include documentation. Anything you could tell me would be really helpful. I found the stereo on a circuit city website and maybe it will help you to see it:
AnswerYou could watch E-bay for the install harness and display module, but with the whole thing selling for $150.00, not really worth the effort. I would also be hestitant to sign off on internal damage, as it may have been dropped in his "possession" and that would usually wreck the lazer eye/motor assembly. Just make his give you replacement cost. If anyone does not understand this, equate it to dropping a home PC onto a concrete floor, and they might understand. The lazer assembly is just as fragile as a PC hard drive.